
The Gambia’s Health Care: Access & Quality – The Gambia’s healthcare system faces significant challenges in providing accessible and quality care to its population. Despite efforts to improve health outcomes, the country continues to grapple with issues related to access, quality, and the availability of healthcare services.

Access to Healthcare

Access to healthcare in The Gambia is influenced by several factors including geographical location, socioeconomic status, and the availability of health facilities. The country has a comprehensive policy framework aimed at empowering adolescents through health education, which is a positive step towards improving health literacy and access to care. However, there are notable disparities in access to basic health facilities across different regions. The primary healthcare system in The Gambia is characterized by a shortage of skilled health professionals, with only 5.9 per 10,000 population allocated compared to the WHO target of 4.45 physicians, nurses, and support workers per 10,000 population.

Women of reproductive age face particularly high challenges in accessing healthcare services. Factors such as age, region, working status, parity, residence, and wealth significantly impact their ability to access healthcare. In rural areas, patients often seek initial care from pharmacies and informal drug-sellers rather than community-based health workers, indicating a lack of trust in the formal healthcare system.

Quality of Healthcare

The quality of healthcare in The Gambia is also a concern. The healthcare system suffers from a lack of specialized skills among health professionals and poor information management, which affects the overall quality of care. The introduction of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in 2021 is a step towards promoting universal health coverage (UHC), but challenges remain in ensuring that all citizens have access to quality healthcare services.

The Healthcare Access and Quality Index (HAQ) provides a summary indicator of personal healthcare access and quality based on mortality from causes amenable to health care. The Gambia’s HAQ score reflects the challenges in providing quality healthcare services, particularly in rural areas where access to quality care is limited.

Policy Recommendations and Future Directions

To address the challenges in healthcare access and quality, several policy recommendations have been proposed. These include improving governance, ensuring the availability of essential medicines and supplies, and enhancing the capacity of health facilities to provide comprehensive care. The National Development Plan (2018-2021) outlines strategies to improve access to healthcare services, emphasizing the need for sustainable funding and infrastructure development.

In conclusion, while The Gambia has made strides in improving its healthcare system, significant challenges remain in ensuring universal access to quality healthcare. Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that includes strengthening the healthcare workforce, improving infrastructure, and enhancing the quality of care provided.

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